Each of these Testimonials was given with caring and received with love and gratitude. Here and there, Grace has commented.

…my husband and I agree our house feels different. The air feels not foggy I guess. The dogs are so much more calm no drama with them.” ~ EWR
(Note from Grace: “This soul had been in that house for over 30 years. He was stuck and ready to head home when shown the way.”)

Grace’s reading was probably the best reading I ever had. She was thorough and accurately identified and delved into several issues I was having in my life. Two weeks after the reading, I am still finding my notes from the reading helpful. I highly recommend Grace as a thorough, compassionate, accurate intuitive reader. ~ C.H.
(Note from Grace: This was a telephone reading.)

This woman is absolutely amazing, check out her site, she communicates with our furry friends and has also helped my family feel better with her healing, I cannot promote her amazing abilities enough!! Thank you so much Grace!~ JB
(Note from Grace: Pictured are my friends, Ernie & Zack. They know to contact me telepathically when they need my help.)

I first became acquainted with Grace through common group(s) on social media, and we soon became virtual friends. I got to know Grace, and her skills, virtually, but remained a skeptic, as I remain with more traditional faith bases. I soon realized that Grace was not about traditions in faith. Grace has a powerful skill, and an understanding of the relationship of the Spirit.
When I met Grace in person, it was then I realized she has a great many skills that give her a unique understanding of the marriage of the corporeal and incorporeal, and how both are in constant interaction with each other inside the Spirit. The Spirit is not complete, is vulnerable, has openings, and moves with fluidity among us. This is but one of many things I have learned at her knee. She is truly gifted at navigating the Spirit, finding problems and vulnerabilities, and knowing how to correct them.
I have used Grace, and her abilities somewhat often now, in times of trouble, and in times of curiosity. She has helped me better understand, and move closer to my companion animals. She has found and repaired dark forces and weak spaces in my corner of the Spirit that embraces me. Above all else, she has taught me to surf, rather than drive the Spirit.
Who am I? Since learning, and healing with Grace’s care, I know only that I am a different person, each day, than the day before. Some days, a better person, some days not. That is the best I can say as Grace has shown me that the better or worse concept is relative, each day. What I do know is the power of the synergy between myself, and my close companion animals has improved greatly with Grace’s guidance, and select humans as well, and with her healing abilities, we are of one Spirit. We ARE…We REMAIN…ALWAYS…The Cats Of Anarchy. We thank Grace for that! ~ S.L.

Grace’s QT energy work controls my occupational related shoulder tendonitis with an initial intensive program of a few days and periodic energy if I have increased inflammation. All of my care has been sent over 20 miles up to several thousand miles. ~M.S., Licensed Massage Therapist

Although I’ve been open to the idea of communication on different levels, the moment I received my first reading from psychic and animal communicator, Grace Jaeger, there was no room left for doubt. I was astounded and excited about the possibilities. With simply three pieces of relatively “meaningless” information — Faye, dog, Annie — Grace made a connection and sent a comprehensive email detailing Annie’s symptoms and pain level associated with what I already knew to be neurological symptoms of syringomyelia (SM), which afflicts many Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. She nailed it! I was now a true believer. The best part of this is that I now had a partner to be the “voice for Annie who cannot speak”, because she was speaking to me through Grace.
First, it reduced the worry and stress of not knowing if Annie was in pain and discomfort, and to what degree. Grace confirmed those things I already knew, and relayed other things that when I heard them, knew them to be true as well.
A second benefit of this journey with Grace was the adjustment of the types of medication and dosage to be used. As it turned out, Annie is highly sensitive to even small amounts of gabapentin and suffered side effects so severe she contemplated leaving this world. Annie, through Grace, repeatedly requested to be off meds and we titrated down to zero. At that point, after a seeming decline, Grace assigned what I will call a “guardian angel” to watch over Annie and to keep the pain away. Annie now had a new lease on life! This has been working well for these past several months and my 14-year-old girl still has enjoyment of life. And a dedicated angel.
Which brings me to the last reason why I am so grateful to have Grace in our lives. I know as time goes by, she will check in with Annie to ask her what wishes she has for leaving her life on earth, assisted or natural. I love the respect Grace gives Annie to express her own desires and I trust her implicitly in that communication
This isn’t about living forever. This is about having the necessary information about pain and discomfort, making informed decisions about drugs and side effects, and honoring our pets’ wishes by giving them a voice in the final days. All I know is that while Grace’s gift to communicate with animals is a mystery to me, in the whole of my being it makes perfect sense and I know it to be true.
~ Faye Miller, Minneapolis, MN
(Note from Grace: As Faye noted above, Annie was connected to an angel dedicated to helping her. Annie was the first “client” of my healing protocol called Celestine Surveillance ©. At the time Faye reached out for my help, Annie was essentially entering hospice. Annie lived without pain for more than a year after we first connected. All services were done remotely/telepathically between Missouri and Minnesota.)

We live in an area that is active with ghosts and demons. They were very attracted to our home. Grace has helped to clear our house of the ghosts and closed the portals so the demons can’t come back. She did this in person and remotely from hundreds of miles away. If you think your house is haunted or inhabited in any way, Grace can help. ~ JB

I had a phone reading with Grace Jaeger total awesome. I recommend Grace, information was so accurate and thank you so much for doing this today. — feeling blessed. ~ Marie S.

“I have never written a testimonial before, most likely because a service, a product or person was just ordinary and didn’t strike me as anything special or worthy. The reason I am writing one this time is because I found both the person and the service extraordinary. Grace Jaeger is the most wonderful and caring person I have ever met. We share a love of cats, which is how we met.
One of my cats was a sweet orange boy named Clark. He was a very special 10-year old kitty with many health issues from his previous life that required lots of special treatment. Sometimes things didn’t go so well with the treatments and he would struggle. I spoke to Grace about my concerns…she was able to have a conversation with Clark about what was bothering him. He knew he needed the treatments. He said he was willing to be more cooperative if he wasn’t restrained and if he could have a treat after. I did exactly as Clark requested and was floored and amazed and so grateful! Giving him his fluids and meds became much more simple – there was no stress on either of us and it was wonderful!
What also helped was receiving healing energy for Clark. I have also personally received healing energy from Grace for some surgeries so that the results would be good and recovery easy…and let me just say it’s been all good. I am so thankful, grateful and fortunate for both my cat, Clark, and myself, that I met and got to know Grace and her amazing abilities.” ~Jackie P.
(Note from Grace: All services were done remotely between Minnesota and New York.)

“Before I received a healing through Grace, I suffered an injury to my left hand. For nearly a year I had open sores, swollen fingers and achiness caused by an allergic reaction from my work environment. I went to the western medicine doctor twice, got the various creams and medications but nothing worked. Finally I went to Grace and could feel a change after the first session! Oh yes, a nurse did a follow-up on my condition and was satisfied that their treatment had worked. I told her the truth and she didn’t question it.” ~C.G.

Hi! My name is Chloe. I’m a lab mix and I’m about 12 years old. I was bitten by a tick a few years ago and contracted Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. It left me with a pretty bad case of arthritis. It kept progressing and even the arthritis medicine that the vet gave me wasn’t helping as much. I spent most of my time laying around and not wanting to move. One day, this beautiful lady named Grace and some angels came to me and offered to help.
After they went to work, the first thing I noticed was that I was sleeping a lot more. They told me to expect this because they were working on healing me. Grace was coming to me every day to check on me and see how things were progressing and making any necessary adjustments. I started feeling better and better. I was able to get up easier and walking wasn’t as painful.
After about the first month, Grace came to me less because I was feeling no pain and was moving more. Since we were perfecting Grace’s program, we tried breaking the angel connection at one point. Boy, did I start to hurt again! We reconnected me and I’ve been feeling much better ever since.
Now keep in mind that I’m no spring chicken so I’m not acting like a puppy again but I’m able to move around much more and I’m enjoying life again. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to start feeling better.
(Note from Grace – this was dictated to her human – Mary H.)

He is standing with his feet planted far apart ….it is like he is bowlegged….but now he’s not! He is standing proudly, like this…..(she stands up and throws her shoulders back, hands on hips) and he says, “I am here!”. She went on to say, “He is a cowboy! Red?”…Grace Jaeger is the excellent medium who facilitated this connection. ~ S.F.

I can’t say enough positive comments about what a tremendous help Grace Jaeger was for approximately six years in the care of my cat George.
Grace has many gifts and areas of expertise. I came to know her as the person who kept my cat alive.
He had early kidney illness detected after a urinary blockage. My veterinarian could not get the situation under control. After going to the University of Mn Animal Hospital, I found out he’d require fluid therapy for the rest of his life.
George loved Grace. She gave him fluid therapy for 6+ years. I’ll always be grateful to her for keeping my George alive until he was 16. She’s a person of integrity, has music in her soul, and is a lot of fun too. ~ A.R.

“I had been experiencing issues with my young male cat, who was having very bad skin twitching, followed by skin rolling and tail chasing. I was also having some aggression issues with him towards me and my other 2 cats. His behavior worsened and he started chasing his tail obsessively to the point where he would bite his tail, hurt himself and then yelp. I took him to the vet who found nothing physically wrong and stated he appeared to be very healthy but could be having some sort of seizure. He suggested steroids, which are used quite commonly in the treatment of cats for skin and behavioral issues.
I contacted Grace for help because I wanted to explore an alternative to traditional treatment based on drugs, which could ultimately harm my cat’s health. She worked with me via e-mail to institute some changes in my cat’s diet. She worked with me and my cat to figure out why he was behaving the way he was and gave me tools with which to work on both my interaction with him and his interaction with me. She spoke to him and his two girl housemates to try and determine what if any issues were on their minds. She urged my cat to give new things a try and to work with me to help communicate with him.
Grace’s help and compassion have aided in making dramatic changes in my cat over a short amount of time. He now eats and devours raw cat food. His skin rarely rolls or twitches and he has had no more serious tail chasing episodes. He is more loving and seeks out more attention. His demeanor has calmed considerably and he even seems more kind to his 2 housemates.
All in all, it has been a very positive and enlightening experience. I would highly recommend Grace’s services and talents to anyone who is experiencing problems with their feline companions. Grace has the ability to communicate on another level with our companions which is an invaluable tool in the care of our animals. ~Lisa R and Nelson the Cat
(Note from Grace: All communication was done remotely and telepathically.)


Grace has worked with both my kitties and myself the past several months. The kitties respond well to her as do I.
Jazz was having problems with frequent urination. Also she always walked low to the ground(just assumed it was part of her being skittish). Grace helped her with a pinched nerve and sent healing to remove the beginning stages of diabetes. Now, Jazz is playful without walking low to the ground and the urination has stopped!
Tumbles has a bit more complicated issues so I have her on the celestial surveillance. Tumbles went into this program for her teeth and hind leg causing her pain and irritability. The leg has healed but her teeth are taking time and might be chronic. She was in the beginning stages of kidney disease but Grace healed that before she went into this program. Now she’s connected to a healing angel that helps her behave better and manages her dental pain.
Both cats are healthier after being guided to a diet change and happier!
As for me, I’m part of the celestial surveillance plan as well. This plan doesn’t have 100% guarantee but when you’re in pain you’re willing to try anything. I sought help from Grace after a complicated hip surgery, a flare up with my previous hip surgery, a pilionidal cyst that could abscess randomly, and I had a torn rotator cuff. The pain all over my body was making me miserable and I was worried about being able to work. The pain shift was gradual leading up to no pain but so amazing. Back in June, I was able to sit on a plane for several hours for the 1st time in over a year and a half. I ached but nothing like before. Now in August, the pain is non existent. My rotator cuff is still healing via the healing angel but feels so much better. My hips have improved drastically! I no longer need ibuprofen or icepacks. My cyst is still there but doesn’t give me problems.
Grace is very informative and communicative which makes me comfortable! We are optimistic that my body will be healed and up to par sometime in the near future. I’m grateful for all of her help with my furry family unit and I! ~ T.G.

I rescued a horse named Seven from a feed lot in January of 2012. We didn’t know much about him and I asked Grace to “talk” to him. She told me several things that were consistent with behavior – he had been hit around the face (he’s head-shy) and that he had pain in his left hind leg. He did have an injury on his left leg and after two surgeries we discovered he had a piece of wood in there! While the information from Grace did resonate, it was something else she said that really stood out to me: that he likes to be close to my other horse, Gracie. This seemed odd to me since there are almost 50 horses together in a pasture. I was skeptical! But sure enough, the next time I went out to see them, he was following her around like a puppy dog. To this day it is obvious to everyone that he is absolutely smitten with her!
Grace mentioned that he sees me as a kind and gentle person. I am very gentle with him – some would say too gentle – but I can’t help it because of all he’s been through. ~ Kristen H.

Sciatica be gone … thanks to Grace Jaeger! Got some ailments of your own, or your pets, or just want a reading, get in touch with her. ~ Connie B.

This from a happy client after Grace chatted with her dog: “My heart is so filled right now! Thank you so much…this sounds just like him! I am so grateful to you and for your amazing skills.” ~ Cheryl B.

I can’t say enough how much Grace’s help unraveled the mystery of LJ. It’s true. Once you showed me who he really was, I knew how to let him be who he wants to be. You have a GIFT, from the Spirit. I understand that now. ~ S.L.

I have always been pleased with the services Grace has offered. She is kind, yet to the point. ~ B.R.

Grace has been so helpful to us in unraveling Maddee’s mysteries. She tends to be anxious/nervous at times and having Grace and her angel connection give her the comfort she needs. She really responds in a positive way after her healings – regardless of the issue. ~ C.C.

My younger black lab got loose and after looking all around the neighborhood I decided I’d contact Grace to see if she would be able to help find him. She told me that an older guy had him locked in his shed nearby and she literally told me the exact location where he was being held via google maps which was literally only a few houses away on the next block. I knocked at his front door and asked if he’d seen my black lab which he denied, Grace said she’d talked to Ernie and explained to him how to make himself invisible and to bolt as fast as he could when he opened the door and within minutes he was home safe and sound and we were so relieved. The fact that this guy lied to me seemed pretty shady. ~ JB

Learning from Grace about how to work with the pendulum has been an indispensable experience for me. I’ve been able to practice and get better at understanding where some physical aches are coming from(negative thoughts from co-workers), and clear those aches through connecting with Spirit. I’ve also since learned to connect with a couple of my guides and compare their answers to one another to ensure my pendulum is answering consistently. When my pendulum is not answering consistently, Grace taught me to cleanse it via salt, which immediately upon removal from the salt my pendulum became clear in its answers again. I haven’t tried the chart Grace provides for this class, but I can already tell that those taking this class are in for a divination treat as they become comfortable working with their connection to their Higher Self or Spirit beyond a yes and no basis.
A small thing to note that helped me get through some mental blocks was that, before Grace, I was under the impression that the pendulum wasn’t moved by energy, and that it was the crystal answering(mine is a crystal pendulum.) One day, I dropped my pendulum and the tip came off. I asked Grace about it and she said she didn’t think the tip missing would matter because the pendulum is the tool to receive the answer, and not the answer itself. That explanation helped me turn away from thinking of the pendulum as the source, and instead tune more into the energy as the source of answering whatever I was asking or seeking clarity on at the time from Spirit. Since beginning working with the pendulum, I feel my intuition has gotten a bit better and I look forward to when I will begin to use my body or inner knowing as the pendulum. All in all, amazing teacher and wonderful information to be learned through Grace’s grace! ~ Tisha G.

Grace has been a godsend with our furry fellow. He has stopped urinating inappropriately outside the litter box with her help. ~ Kelly R.
I had a session with Grace and I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to focus on, but I felt out of sorts and “stuck” with my inner self and knew I needed something.
Grace was led to do a healing session with me and worked on some anxiety I was experiencing, a toothache, and an aching right hip. My favorite part and what really stuck with me the most was the Gold Pour Healing Technique. Not only did Grace explain the process in such a beautiful way, but I felt immediate comfort and confidence afterwards and was able to envision the gold pour all over me. I still catch myself having flashing images of myself with gold-filled cracks all over me in the most beautiful and proud manifestation of self. It is always, always a pleasure working with and learning from Grace. ~ KF

I do really like how I was incredibly intimidated about the pendulum before and now I carry it around with me and use it sometimes daily and it feels very natural for me like I have a relationship with it. ~ Kasey F.