Glossary & Links

From Grace – I am providing MY definitions of terms, along with other definitions that may differ.  This is to clarify for my website visitors what I mean when I use certain verbiage.  I hope this is helpful.  If you have questions, feel free to send an inquiry. 

Celestine – in the context used in this website, this word refers to angels/angelic.  As in “celestial”.  So “Celestine Surveillance” means, in a general way, that angels are watching over you.  Specifically, in my healing modality, it means the angels are connected with you and monitoring your health continuously.

Chakras – Chakras are areas of energy in the body that run from the top of your head to the base of your spine.  The Sanskrit word “chakra” means wheel, referring to the spinning energy in each of the seven major chakras.  For a more detailed reference, see

Channeling – In a general way, I believe that all of my sacred work is “channeled” – that is it comes from Spirit to me and I pass it along.  In a more specific way, and the way I use it in this website, it is when the receiver (in this case, me) steps aside and the entity uses my voice to speak.  Or for much of my work, the words are given to me, I write them down and share them with the world.   Here’s an interesting discussion of the term:

Dark/Darkness/Demon – I define “dark” as relating to an entity that is of dark, not light and can be on or around an individual.  I define “darkness” as something we each have inside of us.  I define “demon” as a separate entity that is associated with an individual human and can be inside or attached externally.  These are MY subjective definitions that I use to distinguish between these concepts.

Divination – Defined as ” the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.”

Mediumship – When I use this term to describe what I do, I am referring to my ability to connect with those that have transitioned to the “other side” – or in simple terms “talking to the dead”.   I am the “medium” through which souls send messages to this physical world.”  Here’s how Wikipedia describes it:

Metaphysical – To my understanding, this word essentially means “more than physical”.  All that is non-tangible and non-measurable.  Although I can’t find the source, I like this discussion especially well: 

What is metaphysical spirituality?

“Spiritual” refers to anything having to do with the “spirit”, and refers to things that are intangible, but are spirit and soul. … Metaphysics and spirituality both deal with reality: that which is beyond the physical, the source of the universe.

Metaphysics is not the branch of philosophy that explains physical phenomena using reason and logic in a way that falls outside the bounds of either religion or science; rather it is a philosophical science which deals with transcendental concepts such as being, one, true and good which in its simplest form is ‘being’ …

Metaphysics is the study of human experiences that are non-physical. These are spiritual in nature and cannot be measured by any physical sense. It is a philosophy that concentrates on ‘All-Reality’. The relationship between mind and matter, appearance and substance, form and essence.

There are many other interesting discussions about the terms metaphysical and metaphysical spirituality.  Here are a couple links: and

Mystic – This definition from  a person who claims to attain, or believes in the possibility of attaining, insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge, as by direct communication with the divine or immediate intuition in a state of spiritual ecstasy. This definition fits me and I often describe myself as a Mystic.

Nesting Dolls – Commonly called Russian dolls, I put them to use in a spiritual manner. See Wikipedia.

Pleiadian/Pleiades – There are many views and stories about Pleiadians.  Some of them even question the existence of this alien race.  I have stopped trying to keep up with what others think and instead rely on what I receive through my direct connection with Pleiadians that have been confirmed for me by Spirit.   Links that may be helpful background: and and

Psychic – There are as many definitions of psychic powers as there are persons that call themselves psychic.  For me, it means I have the ability to take a question you have to Spirit, hear their answer and provide that to you in the form of spiritual guidance.  I occasionally get views into the future, but those are always subject to change because of free will.  So I do not call myself a fortune teller.  I distinguish my psychic abilities from my mediumship abilities – psychic abilities allow me to be a conduit between you and Spirit.  Mediumship abilities allow me to be a conduit between you and souls that have transitioned from this physical world.   Here’s one link of many:

Shamana = I am not able to locate any link or documentation for this word.  I use it as part of my title because I’ve been guided to do so by Spirit.  I was told by a Shaman that it was a word used in ancient times for a female shaman or medicine woman or wise woman.  Spirit says it is part of what I am – so I accept that and claim it as part of my title.  Here’s a link to look at the definition of a Shaman.

Souls/Spirit – Souls are individual entities – for instance humans or animals who have lived on this earth before.  Spirit is what others might call “god” or the “divine” or “source” or “maker”.  These are MY subjective definitions and the way I distinguish between these concepts. 

Starseed – There are many meanings and definitions of this term.  For me personally, I was told early on that I was a Starseed.  I didn’t know exactly what that was so waited for enlightenment. While waiting, I came to define it as a kind of Johnny Appleseed type of role – I was planting seeds along the way and some would take root.  Then in 2018, I learned of my Pleiadian background.  All of it came together.  My story is too long to share here.  Here’s a link to someone else’s story:

Walk-In – sometimes when one soul leaves their body, another will move in to make use of it. This is usually done by pre-agreement between the two souls before this lifeline. Here is one discussion: