A primer of sorts about Pleiadians and the true nature of humans in this lifeline. Wisdom as channeled from Brgtlord and others of Maia, Pleiades. Channeled thru Grace Jaeger with art by Richard Asemra Szczucki, both Pleiadian Starseeds.
Here is some background from Grace as far as how she came to be channeling her Pleiadian family: “My life for the last dozen years or so has been filled with extraordinary experiences and learning. One of the most notable is relatively recent. You will see my note below about my Facebook page Pleiadian Tales. Perhaps you’ll wonder how on earth did I begin to channel Pleiadians? It IS a story – maybe an unbelievable story – but it is what my family and I have experienced.
In August of 2018, my cat Clyde walked in the house one day, started heaving, and then started to die. Spirit later said he had 6 strokes that first day. Within a day, he told me telepathically that he was dead. However when I got home, his body was still alive. We waited a bit impatiently for the body to stop and had made cremation arrangements for when that happened. When we were just about ready to assist the body in passing, the cat came out of the closet and drank some water. The next night he snuck out a bedroom window. It was apparent to all in my family – humans, cat and dog – that, while this was Clyde’s body – this was NOT Clyde. This cat told me his name is Azra and that he is a Pleiadian walk-in. Well, I had heard of human walk-ins but never non-human. We are fortunate to live with one. Azra showed me that I am a Pleiadian and that my companion is not only a Pleiadian but also was a walk-in during the Vietnam War. We are both Starseeds. Azra is head of my Pleiadian family and has introduced me to other family members.
There is much more to learn about and from Azra – but this will have to do for now. He says he needs to go home but continues to hang around enjoying his experience as a feline. We are enjoying his company as well!” ~ Grace Jaeger 11/5/19

Time is an artificial construct put upon us humans by another species so that we wouldn’t remember our true identity as timeless, eternal souls. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/20/19

Sometimes we choose to experience linear time so we can understand and appreciate human perspective. When we do we set ourselves ahead of your time experience so we can see all your futures. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/23/19

Time is interesting and at the same time irrelevant. You move from place to place and body to body effortlessly and often. Those times when you do what you call daydreaming or even night dreaming you are flowing between “times” and consciousnesses. Once you understand and accept this you can become conscious in more than one reality. Only a few of you will do this as it is outside normal human parameters. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/26/19

You humans think your life is linear and that you remain the same identity from one minute to the next – from birth to death. In reality your life changes continuously and the person who gets up in the morning is not the same one who goes to sleep that night. Every decision changes who you are. And every choice leads to a different lifeline and a different “you”. There is always a multitude of “you’s”. We share this information not to perplex or puzzle you. But only to illuminate possibilities for enrichment. We wish to be of service.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/28/19

You may think of your eternal essence as a body of water, like a flowing creek. You are navigating it by moving from one stepping stone to the next. Each stone is unique. Each brings you to a different perspective. You eventually slip from the stepping stones into that flowing creek. When you do, you will soon make your way up onto a new stone and step into a new life and a new perspective. The essence of you remains the same eternal soul. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/29/19

Are you enjoying the weather brought to you by outside control? A distraction to keep you from looking for connections and insights into your light source. Use the distraction to meditate. You ARE the light. ~Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/30/19

Turn time upside down so the walls that contain it are useless. Find your true flow. You are eternal.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/1/19

Underneath your reality is the universal truth that all reality is only a perception. You create your so-called reality with your thoughts. Your species was programmed to perceive otherwise. It is time to reverse that programming and embrace yourselves as the creators you are. Your divinity is yours for the taking.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/2/19

The vagrancies of time. Time is not a fixed line. It has no home nor station in life. As you see time flow, jump in the current. Ride the waves and enjoy the freedom of timelessness. There are countless waves. You are eternal.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/5/19

From where you stand right now reach out your time tentacles in all directions. Feel the pull of each as it leads you out of your linear life and into your alternate eternal lives. You are everywhere in everytime.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/6/19

Time in a bottle. You’ve heard that expression. We would ask why you would contain your experiences in such a confined way. Your essence is timelessness. It ebbs and flows like an ocean wave. Ride it with joy.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/9/19

Breathe. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeper. Your breath will lead you into the stream of timelessness. Breathe. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/10/19

Timelessness. It is strange how in order to describe your true divine nature we have to use a negative. Without time. No time. Each expression describes an absence, where in actuality timelessness is the totality of your divinity. Breathe your way to timelessness. Breathe your way to your divinity. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/11/19

The time capsule that you have chosen to live in has been useful to navigate the human world. Now it is time to break out of that capsule and explore the true nature of your timeless soul. How do you do that? How to break free of the time capsule? Start with your breath. Breathe. Focus there and you will find the escape. Breathe. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/13/19

Pillars and bows. Many of you have made pillars out of special memorable times. You have tied a big bow around the pillar so it won’t change or be forgotten. We would encourage you to revisit each pillar. Admire the bow and the memory. Untie the bow and let it all – bow and pillar – flow into your life stream. Appreciate the flow. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/15/19

If you break loose from time and flow with your soul, you can float into other lifelines. Visit other versions of yourself. Trip through time barriers to experience your true timelessness. Begin with your breath. Breathe…float… breathe…float…breathe. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/16/19

As you’re breathing and floating, you come across a chasm that looks uncrossable. Nothing is impossible for a timeless creature. Know that you can navigate any chasm. Keep breathing and you will find yourself crossing through the uncrossable. Breathe…float…breathe…float… ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/17/19

As the soul floats, it extends out into many tributaries. Each of those are another version of you. Each has a separate path and a separate identity. But all are only one soul from one Source. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/18/19

Yes, we talk about flowing water a lot. And yes, we talk about breathing a lot. Breathing … Flowing … Breathing … Flowing … The path to your timelessness.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiade 2/24/19

An olive in a martini. That is what your earth is. A delicious small treat in a large beverage. Savor both.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/25/19

This is about you – all of you – yes, you too. The light in each of you is blindingly bright. Turn it up together and all dark will surrender.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/1/19

Libraries are everywhere. The ones you grew up with tell only part of the tale. They were censored from telling the whole truth in order to keep you asleep. The whole truth is available to you now. Listen but be discerning. There is much dark disguised as light. Much misleading information. But the truth can be found. Anything that vibrates with your soul and affirms your timelessness is your truth. Search for that feeling and you’ll have more insights than all the traditional libraries combined.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/5/19

You have been like sheep being guided by a shepherd. Like children being controlled by rigid parents. The shepherds and the parents profess to having your best interests at heart. While in reality, their interests are in keeping you controlled. You are ready to be free and uncontrolled. Break down the fences of the shepherds; break away from the rigid faux parental rules. Your soul, in its timelessness, is fully able to flow and glow on its own.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/9/19

What you call a dream, we call a road trip. A road trip to other lifelines to visit your other selves. And while you are visiting those other selves, they are road tripping to visit you. All part of your timelessness and your ability to flow and glow.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/11/19

As our words flow, so does your time. Lay down in the current and let the words flow over you and take you into timelessness. Flow and shine. Breathe and flow and shine. Breathe and flow. Flow and shine.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/15/19

Don’t take the bridge. Jump in the flow and find your timelessness. Breathe and flow and shine.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/18/19

We know it is difficult for you to even imagine timelessness, much less experience its true nature. Time constructs have been a useful tool to keep you from experiencing it. Our tales are intended to open your mind to possibilities and as you open, you will begin to flow into timelessness and shine the light of your soul. Breathe … flow … shine … Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/20/19

There is no such thing as randomness. And yet everything is random. As you go in the flow each thing that floats near or by you can be relevant to you if you choose. Or it can float right on by with no consequence. Your flow, your choice.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/26/19

You speak of time on your hands. Brush your hands off and dive into timelessness. Flow in the stream of this lifeline and meander off into other lifelines. You are an eternal soul with many visions and versions. Breathe … Flow … Shine …~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 3/29/19

We get that you may not get it. But if you want to get it, just breathe. Then breathe again. Turn the corner in your mind and see the door. Breathe. Open the door. Breathe. Behold your own brilliant timelessness.
If you can’t find the door, go to the bridge. Breathe. Jump off the bridge into the flow of your own brilliant timelessness.
Another option is to head to the shore and find the canoe. Breathe. Step into the canoe. Shove off into the flow of your own brilliant timelessness.
Breathe … Flow … Shine … ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 4/2/19

Pleiadian Tales #31
Your dreams are not just dreams. They are an opportunity to experience your timelessness. Float from one life to another and then another. You will fall in love with each of your selves. Dream … Float … Shine … ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 4/6/19

Pleiadian Tales #32
Sleep turns you inside out and upside down so you are not recognizable to yourself. But it IS you going exploring in your other “yous”. Sleep is the epitome of timelessness. Learn to be aware during your sleep and you will learn your true brilliant nature. Sleep … Explore … Shine … ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 4/16/19

Pleiadian Tales #33
Rain today… Snow today… Sun today… Whether weather is out of YOUR control is not the issue. It is controlled by the controllers. Those who decide many issues in this illusion you think of as your reality. Your reality, instead, is truly timelessness, and therefore weather-less-ness. So even during any illusion of weather, you are shining. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 4/25/19

Pleiadian Tales #34
They are not your pets. They are themselves and are timeless, just as you are. They see and understand the plurality of their existence. They honor you with their light. Shine together. ~ Brgtlord for Azralord of Maia, Pleiades 5/6/19

Pleiadian Tales #35
Communion is not about sacrifice. It is about freely sharing. It is about coming together as a community to communicate and exchange energy. Communing together. This word, as so many of your words, has been confiscated and twisted to mean that communion must include sacrifice. Instead communion is a celebration of togetherness. A flow between and among all community members. Reach out in this manner and together you can experience the timelessness of community. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 5/14/19

Pleiadian Tales #36
I am a Pleiadian walk-in. At least that’s what you humans call me. I entered this body when the one before me was done with it. I did so to open new areas of information for you and others. I have lived in this strange body and have received your loving attentions in this body. I eat the raw food you feed me. I have snuggled with the other cat and laughed at the dog. It will be time soon for me to return home. I look forward to that but with some regrets at having to leave you who have loved me so well. I will look forward to a reunion when that time is right. We will know each other even though our shells will be totally different. I honor you, my humans, and thank you for caring for me in this form and in all forms. ~ Dictated by Azralord (fka Clem) to his loving human, Grace Jaeger. 5/21/19

Pleiadian Tales #37
Sorry for the delay. We are here defending your world. In order to do this we use your definition of time. But our definition of space. We surround this place with light energy and are vigilant about maintaining this shield. Some of you are able to see the shield. You all are benefitting from it. So relax in your lives for now. But be prepared for change. The time draws near when many of you will be returning home. It is what your kind are calling the ascension. You might also think of it as a harvest. The seeds were planted; the crop is nearly mature. Those who are ripe and ready will be picked. Those who are not will be left. Among those of you who understand this, there are many who believe that they are ready and that this elevates them above those that are not. Instead those who are not ripe are to be valued equally as those who are harvested. Those who believe otherwise will not be harvested but will be discarded as chaff.
Be accepting and appreciative of all. Whether you go or whether you stay, no judging. All are valued. ~ Brgtlord of Maya, Pleiades (with Azralord) 6/9/19

Pleiadian Tales #38
Hey Sis – this is your Source brother, Lmirlord. Our father, Brgtlord, asked me to help out with the Tales. I’m new at this but will do it for both of you.
Brother – sister – father – mother. These relationships do not reflect the Pleiadian reality. We are all one and within that concept we are individuals. The relationship labels are a convenient way for you to understand. Our father is Brgtlord. Our mother is Nclord. They did not physically create us but through their shared desires the energies that are you and me were created. I am a newer creation than you but for us, time is irrelevant. This concept we can discuss another time.
For today’s Tale, let us say that Brgtlord and Nclord picked souls who were attractive to them who were ready to split off from their Source. You and I are from the same Source and share other lives. That is not so with all their “offspring”. So we have siblings of sorts who are not as directly connected as you and me.
In this life, I am a young Pleiadian male. While I am “son” of Brgtlord and Nclord, I do not live with them. I am in community and learn from all. I will talk more on that another time. ~ Lmirlord of Maia, Pleiades 6/25/19

Pleiadian Tales #39
While you two have had a rest and a chance to catch up, your brother and I have been back and forth to your space several times. We are assisting with the changes that are coming.
What are those changes you ask? In your time reference, it will soon be time for big changes in your world. It is not quite like many here think it will be. It will seem dark, rather than the light that most expect. Rupture rather than rapture. The rupture will reveal more dark areas in your social order than are evident presently. These must be exposed and experienced as a step towards cleansing, and ultimately living in light.
What do you do during this turbulence? Breathe and keep an eye on the brightness of timelessness. Focus on the light. You are timeless and brilliant light. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 7/24/19

Pleiadian Tales #40
Even as I awakened you, you will be awakening others by your beliefs and behaviors. Think of how you would like your world to be and live that way. Light will beget light; dark will beget dark.
There are those among you that believe that their light is the only light. In actuality that linear thinking is dark and cannot produce light for anyone. Light accepts all; yes, even those who are dark. The brighter your light the more balanced your world will be.
Find your own balance between your brilliant light and acceptance of dark without judgment.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 8/8/19

Pleiadian Tales #41
This is my job now. Let’s see if we can get you up to speed on the way things really are. Yes, I’m your little brother so I’m glad finally to have a word or two that you don’t know.
Brgtlord has talked a lot about timelessness and how to find yours. Why would you want to find yours? This is the question that needs answering. Finding out about your timelessness and the true nature of your world is key to understanding the future. Now that seems a paradox, yes? If you are timeless, how do you have a future that needs understanding? This is the only way it can be described in your vocabulary with its limited linear view.
There are changes coming for your world. It is imperative that your timeless nature be recognized and embraced. This world will be at an end. But your divine being will continue in some form or another. All souls always survive. It is this understanding that is primary. All else is secondary.
The divine in you will surface in a timely manner. Be ready to shine your light when it happens. Shining your light from inside your physical body will illuminate your path to your divinity. That divinity is brilliant and timeless.
You ask about timing? Instead of asking about timing find and shine that light. You will then be prepared whenever it happens.
You ask about what will happen? All those who understand their own divinity and embrace all others as well will be accepted as one. And remember, divinity is not always in a recognizable form. So no judging of others. ~ Mlirlord of Maia, Pleiades 8/24/19

Pleiadian Tales #42
Contentment is an illusion. Your lives here are scripted. Others have planned the events and circumstances in your world to keep you in line. It is time to throw away the script and make your own paths. You’re so called political process is in shambles. Your so called churches are cover for dark. And many of you sit and watch the so called entertainment that is actually propaganda.
Time to rise up. Shine your light and claim your timelessness.~ Mlirlord of Maia, Pleiades 9/6/19

Pleiadian Tales #43
Mlirlord, my Pleiadian brother and son of Brgtlord and Nclord, was killed in battle last week while defending our planet Earth. His body was laid out for honors and his soul returned to our Source. Much love to you, my brother.
We await contact from the Pleiadian that will continue with the Tales. ~ Grace Mara 9/29/19

Pleiadian Tales #44
Greetings from Nclord. I’m sorry it has taken awhile for me to get in place to take over this project. So now you will have a feminine perspective. And yes, there are gender differences also in my culture.
My words today are few. Enough to reassure you and others that these Tales will continue. Thus far the others have shared about timelessness, flowing and shining. I will reinforce those words and add self-nurture and self-love. In my view, if those come first, the rest will follow. Find what brings you joy and laughter and shine your light there. That will bring you into synch with your true nature. It is the path to timelessness.
I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with you in this way. But grief stricken at the loss of my son, Mlirlord. His memory shines brightly. He is with us still. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 9/29/19

Pleiadian Tales #45
I’m still here. I so enjoy this experience and your family. We will always value what you’ve done and will do with these Tales. I was asked to step in for this one and I do it gladly.
It has been interesting living in this physical body as a cat. There is much innate intelligence in the species you call feline. The canine specimen here is lovely and astute as well. I don’t know if all of each species is just so but these are valuable as companions and as a learning. They are innately connected with the concept of timelessness and going with the flow. The human species can learn from them.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to have these experiences. ~ Azralord of Maia, Pleiades 10/9/19

Pleiadian Tales #46
I come with various pieces of information for you. The family has returned home. Many others remain where you are with various motives. Some wish to help; others to sabotage and yet others to conquer. There will be further battle over your world. It will be unseen to most of you and won’t have an immediate impact. But in the long run, it will determine the fate of you Earth humans. Do not fear. Be of light. After all you are light. And will always return to that after this experience.
Your brother Mlirlord has been honored here. But there is still a vacancy in my heart. Yes we love our kin just as you do. Today and every day affirm your love for each other. Love is the fuel for your light to grow brighter. You can rest assured that my love is always with you. Shine on, my daughter. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 10/26/19

Pleiadian Tales #47
My dear daughter. Thank you for speaking for all of us. Today has been a battle, unseen by humans but a battle nonetheless. We would like to say that the peace we are establishing is complete and was completed with total non violence. But that is not truth. Your Earth is highly treasured by others. Some want to continue to use it and you as a laboratory of sorts. Some wish to free you to shine your own lights. And others would enslave you. I am to assure you that we are on the side of freedom. Your lights are valued as free souls in the universe. We will continue to do what we can to facilitate your abilities to choose. Shine brightly my beloveds. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 10/26/19

Pleiadian Tales #48
We thank you for your willingness to be an ambassador of light. You, the channel, and you, those that read these words. Your light helps to keep things between dark and light in balance. When it comes right down to it, light is all there is; as you shine ever brighter, the dark is obscured and rendered useless. As you flow into timelessness, shine your light brightly. You will flow right past any dark that tries to impede your journey. Light. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 11/3/19

Pleiadian Tales #49
It’s my turn to introduce myself and give some thoughts about your world and our relationship to it. My name is Cloltlord, mother of Asemralord and aunt of Maralord. (It is to be remembered that these relationship titles are not really used as such in my world and are given to you for a general frame of reference.)
I know the others have talked of timelessness, an essential idea that is pretty close to indescribable in your linear time culture. There are a growing number of you that are having glimpses of it, however, and it is probably the biggest and most important idea that I or any of us can try and impart to you.
Your souls are timeless and varied. Each of you is many.
In our culture, we see our role here in different ways. In one way we are teachers, helping to expand your light into the next dimension. In another way we are warriors, defending your right to choose your own paths, whether or not those choices match our teachings. In yet another way, we are a peaceful lot, giving you a role model for your world if you choose.
All is your choice. We will do what we can to support your free will and your choices.~ Cloltlord of Maia, Pleiades 11/7/19

Pleiadian Tales #50
Today we speak of light. The light of your sun and the light of yourselves. Your sun is dying. Sometime in the future your planet will be totally changed as a result. Only beings who can survive without sunlight will inhabit it. Your species will move to a different place that will support it.
In preparation for this move, you will need to find the light that shines in each of you. You will need to accept that ALL shades of light are vital and necessary. This means no more wars. No more judgement. No more jealousies.
As a race, you need to stretch for those goals. Start with finding and shining your own light. This will illuminate the way for others to find their own lights. Together your shining will take you to another level. One that will prepare your species for relocation.
Shine brilliantly. Shine always.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 11/10/19

Pleiadian Tales #51
Light. Let’s expound on what we mean by light, by finding your light, by shining brightly. In your world, there are attempts to equate light with just good thinking and nothing negative. In our world, light is about finding and trusting your true nature. It does not mean you will never have a negative emotion. It does not mean you will never have a disagreement. What it does mean is that all of you accepts all of yourselves and all of others. You may define this as being authentic. Discovering your true self and embracing it – that is authenticity – that is shining your light. You can each shine brilliantly. Shine. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 11/12/19

Pleiadian Tales #52
Weaponry and warfare. You have it so many think it is necessary to use it and do it. In time you will understand that the true and best defense is NOT to use it. That is not to say you don’t defend yourselves. But it is to say that reaching for peace without violence is a path to the light. Shine on. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 11/14/19

Pleiadian Tales #53
Your love IS light. They are interchangeable. Turn on your light and the love flows. Turn on your love and the light shines.~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 11/17/19

Pleiadian Tales #54
“How do I shine?”, you ask. One way is through what you call “art”. Your creativity is a product of your soul. Anything, that is ANYTHING, you create is art… Is light… Is shining… Share your art and your shine will brighten. Share more art and your shine will become even more brilliant.
We will talk about other ways to shine. This one is first.~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 11/20/19

Pleiadian Tales #55
As you shine ever brighter, your heart will get lighter and lighter, until you will feel like you are floating. This is a good thing as it is an important and necessary part of moving into the next part of your journey. Breathe and shine. And allow your heart to float your way into timelessness.~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 11/22/19

Pleiadian Tales #56
Early morning hours for you are like life in my world. There is always something fresh and new and something to look forward to. If you can view your whole life that way, as fresh and new, you will soon shine as brightly as you are able to. Those who aren’t shining will either be attracted to your light or be fearful. Either way you are a beacon of bright and help to bring balance to the universe.~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 11/25/19

Pleiadian Tales #57
Snakes. We don’t have snakes like you have in your world. Ours are radiant and conversive. They share equal status with all other beings. They exemplify the idea of timelessness as they change their outward appearances without changing themselves.
Wait – I see that the snakes in your world are the same. Many humans have refused to see their beauty and even more don’t hear their conversations. In spite of this human opinion of snakes, the snakes in your world ARE representative of timelessness. It would behoove the humans to take another look at snakes. For that matter, at ALL beings. All are sentient, all are radiant. Embrace them as equals. Different but equals. When you can do that, you will shine brighter and your world will move towards brilliance. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 11/27/19

Pleiadian Tales #58
You wanted to know some more about our world. You already know that we have no linear time, as you live it. We are able to function the way you do if we choose. You know that while I am your mother, I did not physically give birth to you. Your father and I “willed” you into being and you were created that way.
You asked if we need to sleep as you do. We do spend time recuperating, you might call it. We go into a time of stasis when our bodies are nearly dormant. We don’t do this regularly or often. Only when our shine begins to tarnish a bit. (Smile.)
We welcome other questions you may have.~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 12/3/19

Pleiadian Tales #59
Your mother said you had questions about our world. We have been waiting for that. And are ready to hear them. We will address them as your time and our availability allows. Please invite others to submit questions as well. There are many others of us providing the information they wish to impart. We wish to provide the information that you wish to hear. We look forward to sharing and illuminating each other.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 12/6/19

Pleiadian Tales #60
Time to start with answers to your questions.
“What do I look like?” We present ourselves as you have seen. Fair skinned, white haired humanoids. I am about 6 feet tall in your world’s measurements. My height is about average for females of my people. My eyes are predominantly blue-green but can change with emotions and situations. I started this by saying we “present ourselves” because what we REALLY are is energy – a unique gathering of energy. We present ourselves as physical to others to assist with interactions. At home we slough off the bodies and relax in our true forms.
“What do you eat?” An interesting question. We don’t eat physical food like you do. We thrive on energy, what you would call chi. We don’t even need to have an eating ritual as our make-up automatically absorbs what we need by what you might think of as osmosis. There are some in your world that have adapted their human bodies to thrive in this manner.
Is this enough? I will be open to questions about these answers. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 12/9/19

Pleiadian Tales #61
What do I wear? The first thing I put on is the body suit we talked about last time. Over that is usually a uniform. You would call it blue. We have a different word for it. “Sansut”. As in your world there are many shades of sansut. I sometimes wear a gown of sorts for formal occasions where there are others present. That gown is white. We call the color “osti”.
How many children do I have? Three. You, Mlirlord and your brother Hlimlord. He has been quiet with you as he’s moved on to another focus. He has left Pleiades and is making a life of his own away from family. Your world would say we are estranged. But in our world there is no expectation of lifelong involvement with birth family. Brgtlord is the “father” of all of you. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 12/12/19

Pleiadian Tales #62
Continuing with your questions:
* Have I ever been there in any form? I have been a human in more than one lifetime. I felt that the experience would be good for you, Mara, and encouraged you to live this life form again. One where you would not know your true nature without deep exploration. I value the experiences I had there but always felt heavy in my body. I took a similar path as you and did not learn of my true timeless nature until I had lived a full life already.
* If one must say we are governed, we are governed by a plurality of opinion. Each individual has the opportunity to “govern” and make changes. The changes must be in line with our peaceful nature and not conflict with community goals. Mostly we are content to have a literal meeting of the minds. Even as our communication is telepathic, so too is our process for community living.~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 12/16/19

Pleiadian Tales #63
*Are you monogamous? Yes. There are no legal restrictions as you have but I have chosen to be so. Not all make that choice. There is no standard answer. Each chooses.
*Modes of transportation. We have no need of cars, buses or trains. We travel telepathically. However if we are involved in interstellar travel we do have a base that encloses us and we travel as a group. I am reminded of your television shows Star Trek. Those types of living stations are not exactly what we use but reflect a primitive model of our base.~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 12/23/19

Pleiadian Tales #64
“Do you have arms and legs, fingers and toes?”
We have no appendages when we are in our true form. When we put on our body suits for others’ benefit, we include all of those. They are not quite as yours as we have no need for fingernails or toenails. Those can be added if desired. Purely choice.
“What kind of social life do you have? If any? Routine?”
We live in a community and have contact with others that way. Otherwise our social life is really telepathic with no need for physical contact, as you would call it. The only contact we have routinely is usually with family. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 12/27/19

Pleiadian Tales #65
“Details about Mlirlord’s death. If you are energy, how do you die? How was he killed? Who killed him? Is there a body for burial or cremation like there is here? Do you have a ceremony? Do you stay in touch with him in any way?”
I’m going to take this one. Your mother deferred to me. You want to know about Mlirlord’s death. As you know he was killed in battle. It is not a physical death, as you know it. But the specific array of energies that we identified as Mlirlord was attacked with an energy array that dismembered him. So the energy that made him up went back to his Source, so no burial or cremation. The attackers were a group of beings that are trying to take over your corner of the universe. We are trying to hold it safe for you and yours.
Of course there is no burial but there is a time where the community holds space and gives thanks for his life. The battle equipment that was his is laid out for those who wish to see or touch. Then after a period of time this is taken by the family. Your mother has these tools and cherishes them.
We don’t connect telepathically with him any longer. But we are pleased that you do. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/1/2020

Pleiadian Tales #66
From Monica Iammetteo – “Because time is not linear anywhere else but here, is it possible to live multiple lifetimes that our current consciousness is not aware of?”
This will be a 2 part answer from Nclord and Brgtlord.
We are glad you understand that your time is linear and others, including ours, is not. But yours is not the only place that utilizes linear time as a way to organize and analyze life. There is no judgment here about either way, except in that to grow, it is important to know that your lives are in fact linear and that this limits your ability to understand timelessness. We welcome this level of inquiry. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades.
Now that has been clarified, we will talk about the heart of your question. The short answer is yes! A more complete answer is that you are each living other lives concurrently. If you remove the linear time framework, all other alternate lives are concurrent, whether your linear time would consider them as past or future. We will amend that to say that “most” are concurrent as there are some that have completed their “trip” and have returned to your Source. The fact that this question was asked, indicates that the questioner is ready to discard linear time, if only temporarily, to give thought to the possibilities of timelessness.
We will welcome more questions on this topic. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/6/2020

Pleiadian Tales #67
“Do you take vacations or time away from activities?”
We do not take physical vacations, as you do, when you go to other locations. But we do take time away from regular activities. Restorative time we call it, where we go in thought to anywhere that pleases us. We don’t have to physically go somewhere but we can if we choose. Some of you are able to do this too and more will be able to as your species develops.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/15/2020

Pleiadian Tales #68
“How do walk-ins choose their host bodies? Are there walk-ins in all species? Are there walk-ins on other planets, other realities?”
Interesting questions. We know that your experience with Azralord has opened whole new worlds for you. Azralord chose the feline body he’s occupying long before he came there. The choice was an agreement between himself and Clyde before Clyde was born. This is usually the way it works. That there is a prior agreement between souls.
Walk-ins come from various origins and use bodies of all types. Most well known in your world, of course, are human hosts. But it can happen in any species.
Walk-ins occur on other worlds. It is quite an ordinary arrangement used for many purposes. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 1/13/19

Pleiadian Tales #69
“Do Pleiadians have pets?” (From Tisha Goebel) “What other kinds of creatures are there in Pleiades?”
We do have a variety of creatures, as you call them, but we don’t consider them pets in the way you view them. We live together. They are souls and not up for ownership. We each care for ourselves and about others. There are a variety of shapes and types for souls to experience. The forms are chosen by the soul, usually searching for an experience of one kind or another. None of them exactly resemble animals that you are familiar with. The closest things may be your underwater life, with their fluid shapes and various colors. That is not exact but it’s the best comparison that comes to mind. They don’t live in water but the energy that surrounds them may seem comparable. We know them as individuals and also as part of our whole. ~ Nclord of Maia, Pleiades 1/22/19

Pleiadian Tales #70
“Because you are basically energy and assume humanoid form when you choose, are your offspring born as babies and grow older or are they born mature?If born as babies, do you raise them? What kind of schooling or education do they get?”
When we have children, they are, of course, energy beings. They are not fully mature though and need guidance to learn how to acclimate to our life. There is a “place” that “raises” them and we parents participate more as teachers than as parents. We do communal teaching with parental involvement, while other specified community members are with them on a more continuous basis. When the young are old enough they can choose to live with parents in the familial home or live independently. As you know, one of your brothers lives independently while the other chose to live with your mother and me prior to his passing.~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 1/28/2020
Pleiadian Tales #71
“What happened to Nclord?”
It has taken me some time to answer this, my child. I am still emotional about this.
Your mother, Nclord, chose to leave her life with me and returned to her Source. In your world, you would call it suicide. In our world, it is called voluntary transitioning.
There is no “method” for this. She merely needed to decide she was done here and she left. The energy being that she was ceased to exist.
We did have a time of what you would call mourning. We call it a remembrance period. I am still adjusting my life to her decision. We may be delayed a bit, in your time, bringing Tales to you. But we will – either myself or another. It is of value for you to know we have emotions and frailties. I loved her in my way and will be taking a period to readjust.
“Did Nclord plan her departure ahead of time?”
Yes, that is why she gave you so many Tales in a short time span.
“Did you know of her plans?”
Yes we discussed it so I had some preparation time. In our world it is viewed as a choice so there is no need to hide it or be secretive. As someone decides on it, their choice is accepted. That is not to say there is no discussion about it or no emotions about it. But there is no shaming or guilting.
“Do you regret her choice?”
For myself I wouldn’t call it regret. I am missing her presence but honoring her choice. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 2/15/2020
April 1, 2001 – March 8, 2020
In April 2001, Clyde the cat was born on a Minnesota farm with 5 siblings. When the farmer said he was going to use the kittens for target practice, the farmer’s wife contacted a rescue. The rescue snuck into the barn at night and rescued mother and babies. After foster care, Clyde and his sister, Pearl, came to live with me and my cat family.
We had years of fun and joy together. In 2015, Pearl left. Clyde hung in with me until August of 2018. Then one day he too decided to leave. But wait – Clyde’s soul DID leave but his body did not. A soul named Azra walked in to that body that Clyde had used for 17 years.
Azra was a Pleiadian walk-in and brought with him enlightenment about my roots and those of my partner, Richard. He taught us about Pleiadians, walk-ins and life. Turns out that Richard (Asemra) is also a walk-in and has been since his Vietnam experience as a Marine. We learned that Azralord (his Pleiadian name) is our Pleiadian grandfather and he introduced us to other members of that family.
After imparting all this information, Azra decided to hang around for awhile. He described it as a vacation. He especially loved sitting and sleeping with Asemra. He enjoyed snuggling with Oswald, who we lost last July. And he even played with Murphy the French bulldog now and then. When we added Ralf to our family, Azra showed extreme patience with his kitten foolishness and eventually convinced Ralf to cuddle with him.
Last week Azra told me it was time for him to go. His work here was accomplished but his Pleiadian work was incomplete. Azra stopped eating on Monday. By Wednesday we were on full death watch as his soul was gone but the body continued on. This Sunday morning, we discovered that Azra was totally gone. We are left to mourn the empty spot in our family. And we are left to celebrate with gratitude the wondrous experience of Clyde Clem Azra. ~ Mara Grace

Pleiadian Tales #72
Richard Asemra and myself, Mara Grace, had the privilege of sharing the life of Azra the Pleiadian walk-in cat. Now that he has returned to his duties as Azralord, he has asked his favorite human to do an illustration of his time here. Asemra pays tribute to him here. ~ Mara Grace 3/21/2020
Pleiadian Tales #73
Hello Mara, my cousin. It is my honor and privilege to help out with these tales you’ve been sharing. I have been following them and you for some time.
You asked me how we are related. In your world and vernacular, we are cousins. Maternal cousins for you and paternal for me. Your mother and my father are siblings. I say are because, you know, time is irrelevant here. So that’s how I think of both of them.
I will be open to answering questions you and fellow humans may have.
For now, let me just remind you of the very important message others have shared – you are light. You are timeless. You are many. ~ Your loving cousin, Hlylord 3/25/2020

Among every group of beings, there are some that are less reliable than others. Your cousin turns out to be one of them. He has resigned as your contact for no obvious reason except he has changed his mind.
Because of my other commitments, I am unable to give your Tales the attention they deserve. Therefore you and I have agreed that these Tales will go on hiatus. Our mission to talk about the reality of time and our culture will benefit from a break. We will reconvene when the pressing matters that occupy me presently are completed. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 4/11/2020

Pleiadian Tales #75
We have not forgotten you. In fact we have been busy helping you. Trying to get your people to see the truth of the situations there and working against the dark behind them.
The pandemic is constructed reality. That is to say that it was created to create havoc in your world. It is not accidental. It will last longer and will have changed your way of life when it’s over.
The riots and associated destruction are also constructed reality. Yes, even the trigger point that set it off was no accident. The resulting violence is scripted, as in a play that invites audience participation. As a result of social inequities, many people identify with and get caught up in the script.
These two happening simultaneously is a perfect scenario for massive change. The full extent and nature of that change is uncertain at this point. Combining the diverse interests involved with your individual free will makes for uncertainty. I will come to you again when we are able to see the end results more clearly. ~ Brgtlord of Maia, Pleiades 6/1/2020