- If you could talk to your favorite animal, what would you like to know?
- Have you ever wondered what your pet thinks of you or your home?
- Do you think your pet is experiencing pain or other medical issues?
- Have you ever wondered what your pet’s life was like before joining your family?
- What does your pet think of other animals in your home?
- What is your pet’s favorite food and favorite toy?
- Want to make sure your pet knows how much you care about them?
- Wonder what name they call you or what name they would like to be called?
- Would you like to connect with a pet that has transitioned to the other side?
- We are all put here for a purpose – sometimes pets know and will share their purpose with us.
(While not every pet is willing to share information, most will. Grace would be honored to see if yours is one that will chat and share. Others may be uncommunicative or prefer privacy, which will be honored.)
As an Animal Communicator, Grace communicates telepathically with animals, both living and crossed over. Sometimes called an Animal Psychic, she can get answers to your questions and more by chatting with and listening to your pet.
Perhaps your pet will have a list of questions for you?
Grace is also often able to intuitively learn from your pet if they are experiencing pain, either physical or emotional. If this is the case, she will facilitate a healing session for your pet, if that is the agreement. Or she may recommend a visit to your pet’s veterinarian. (See below, as well as on the Healing Services page.)
Grace is dedicated to helping you and your animals live happier, healthier lives together by facilitating an understanding between you. You supply the love and Grace will supply the words!
“This woman is absolutely amazing, check out her site, she communicates with our furry friends and has also helped my family feel better with her healing, I cannot promote her amazing abilities enough!! Thank you so much Grace!” ~ JB
Grace occasionally get requests to help with a missing pet. While she does not make any guarantees, she is usually able to learn if the pet is alive, injured or in some kind of distress. She has helped humans locate their pets. With her animal communication skills, she has helped pets locate their humans. Plus she has helped numerous pets escape captivity, whether it was by legal agencies, unfriendly neighbors or those who support illegal animal fighting. She has developed a technique to help the animals escape. If she can ever be of help to you and your pets, please feel free to contact her.
ENERGY HEALING can be of great benefit for your pet, for pain relief, helping with specific medical issues and helping with emotional issues. While some animals respond well to hands-on energy healing, most prefer to receive remote energy healing. This is especially true for cats!
But whatever the species, cat, dog, horses, fish, birds – all can benefit from universal energy directed their way.
This service will usually come during an animal communication session. It is helpful for Grace to have that prior relationship with your pet before healing. Please contact Grace for specifics in this regard.

- You and your pet can improve your understanding of each other, leading to improved lives for both of you.
- Animal communication can help with behavioral issues. Pets are not innately “bad” or “ornery”; there is usually a reason for problem behavior.
- Negotiating solutions. Once identified, behavior issues can often be resolved through negotiation.
- Preparing your pet ahead of time for any changes in daily routines, home environment or family members will greatly help to reduce stress on all of you.
- Physical issues can frequently be detected at an early stage. Sometimes it is as simple as making a diet change; other times I may recommend veterinary care of healing energy.
- Healing Energy can help to alleviate pain, resolve medical issues and relieve emotional issues.
- Aging pets and end-of-life issues. Through communication, your older pets can be made more comfortable and you can understand what they need as their bodies change. It will give them a voice in their end-of-life care.
- Energy Healing can help your pet prepare for transition.
- Connect with pets who have passed to the other side and have an opportunity to express your love and final thoughts. Your pets will be able to give you messages in return after passing.

Celestine Surveillance© is a long-term healing protocol which was channeled to Grace from Spirit. With this method, your pet will be connected to an Angel for continuous monitoring – kind of like an IV – continuous healing energy directed to your pet. This protocol has been very effective for pain relief and other medical issues.

If you believe your pet is nearing the end of their life and you want to know what your pet desires in this regard, Grace can help to explain options to them. She can also facilitate communication between you during this tough process. She is trained and experienced in animal hospice and can discuss options with you in that regard.
Based on her experience, Grace has established practices and recommendations about which services are most beneficial to most pets. Because nearly all pets have some kind of pain or medical issues going on, Grace strongly recommends doing a combination of animal communication and healing at the same time. Animal communication is available as a stand-alone service. Healing for established pet clients is as well.
There may also be further recommendations based upon the initial session – more healing sessions, a vet check and/or a connection to angels through her Celestine Surveillance© protocol.
The pricing of the service combination and separate services reflects this recommendation. Contact Grace for availability and pricing.
Want to learn how to chat with animals? Check out Module #5 on the Growth Opportunities page.
Please note: Healing Energy for animals involves channeling energy from the universe to your pet. And, although Energy Healing has proven very effective, it does NOT always take the place of seeking qualified veterinary care. Healing Energy is a complementary service, not an alternative one.
Podcast – Animal Communication Part 1

How do you reach out to a pet? How do you know it is the right pet? What are some common concerns among humans and pets? What about pain and healing services for pets? How about connecting with pets who have passed? Listen to these captivating interview with Grace Jaeger.
Animal communication is the exciting topic of today’s podcast. I am thrilled to bring to you my friend, Grace Jaeger to help us learn about her animal communication and healing profession. In this first of a two-part series, Grace shares how she has become, “an advocate for animals that don’t have a voice.” She is a captivating storyteller as she weaves in stories about dolphins, dogs, cats and other animals. Bringing them all together in this interview. If you’ve ever wondered about how animal communication works Grace freely and thoroughly shares her knowledge answering such questions.
Podcast – Animal Communication Part 2

Part two of animal communication and healing with Grace Jaeger. We will learn about how Grace got started, her volunteer work with foster animals, some more case studies, and how she helps with lost pets. Of course, there are more heartfelt stories that the talented storyteller weaves into talking about within the case studies. Grace also discusses the benefits of this work for not only the pet, but the owner and also herself.