If you are ready for a reunion with past (or passed) family members, this is for you. Grace will use her gift of mediumship to connect you with those who are ready to connect with you. You will invite 3-5 souls that you want to hear from and, just as with regular family reunions, they will decide who shows up.
Reunions are for human loved ones, as well as furry ones.
Reunions can be done in person or by phone.
Contact Grace for availability and current pricing.
He is standing with his feet planted far apart ….it is like he is bowlegged….but now he’s not! He is standing proudly, like this…..(she stands up and throws her shoulders back, hands on hips) and he says, “I am here!”. She went on to say, “He is a cowboy! Red?”… Grace Jaeger is the excellent medium who facilitated this connection. ~ S.F.