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Keep on Shining
Everyone has a light! Yes, EVERYONE! The light you seek is already within you. In this video, learn about that light, why it’s important and how to keep it shining! Watch to the end for a special discount opportunity.
The Angel and Gilbert the Cat
In this video gift, Grace shares a delightful story about how Gilbert was helped by angelic assistance. Watch to the end for a special discount opportunity.
One Woman’s Opening
Learn about how Grace discovered her spiritual gifts. She says it’s never too late! Watch to the end for a special discount opportunity!!

Podcast – Animal Communication Part 1
How do you reach out to a pet? How do you know it is the right pet? What are some common concerns among humans and pets? What about pain and healing services for pets? How about connecting with pets who have passed? Listen to these captivating interview with Grace Jaeger.
Animal communication is the exciting topic of today’s podcast. I am thrilled to bring to you my friend, Grace Jaeger to help us learn about her animal communication and healing profession. In this first of a two-part series, Grace shares how she has become, “an advocate for animals that don’t have a voice.” She is a captivating storyteller as she weaves in stories about dolphins, dogs, cats and other animals. Bringing them all together in this interview. If you’ve ever wondered about how animal communication works Grace freely and thoroughly shares her knowledge answering such questions.

Podcast – Animal Communication Part 2
Part two of animal communication and healing with Grace Jaeger. We will learn about how Grace got started, her volunteer work with foster animals, some more case studies, and how she helps with lost pets. Of course, there are more heartfelt stories that the talented storyteller weaves into talking about within the case studies. Grace also discusses the benefits of this work for not only the pet, but the owner and also herself.

Podcast – Time Straddler
Grace shares about what it means to be a “time straddler”! She will help us clarify such things as alternate lives, parallel presences, and how we might initiate contact with other timelines and dimensions.