For about 2 years, I was blessed to be selected as a channel for Josiah Odeis – self-described as “Light and Dark Entities united to speak with one voice.” I would tend to describe the process as a conglomeration of spirits using me as a vessel to communicate information from the spiritual realm. While the “voice” is now silent, the words were profound. I wish to share them here. ~ Grace Jaeger
Musings from Spirit, June 1, 2016
Focus on compassion and your world will be filled with light. Focus on revenge and you will be devoured by darkness ~ Josiah
Musings from Spirit, June 8, 2016
On an existing relationship: As you negotiate in a relationship it is best to find a way that works for both; recognizing each other’s needs and desires, making sure those are met and honoring each other in the process. Too often compromise in a relationship can become one sided. One person ends up giving up too much of themselves rather than risk “losing” the other.
On contemplating the beginning of a relationship: You may each think you’re not good enough for the other. You may each think you are too old or too young for the other. You may each think you are too tall or too short for the other. You may each think you are too fat or too thin for the other. On and on this can go.
OR you may each decide that none of that matters. And that would be the truth of it for both of you.
Follow your heart in this regard, knowing that they will need to follow theirs. Whether those hearts end up in the same place is part of the mystery and joy you came here to experience. ~ Josiah
Musings from Spirit, July 8, 2016
Don’t ask. Just say yes when it comes. ~ Josiah
Musings from Spirit, July 29, 2016
You are all brilliant. Dark and light. Together as one brilliance. Do not turn away from darkness. Embrace all of it.
There is always that duality. You ARE that duality. You see it in your society. You see it in yourself. None are wrong or right. Only dark and light. All encompassing. Moving towards eternal illumination. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 4, 2016
Be light. Shine brilliant compassion without judgment. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 15, 2016
Develop your ability to identify and deflect darkness, while embracing it as part of the whole. A deliberate and delicate process that will benefit you and your light. A universal truth. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 15, 2016
Shining brilliant light is the best way to keep darkness at bay. Cherish and embrace the dark energies and they will turn away in disgust. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 18, 2016
Cherish each moment for what it is without looking to what it may become. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 21, 2016
Plant seeds of light. The harvest will be more brilliant than anything you can imagine. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 27, 2016
You are not a teacher but rather a catalyst for growth. You need only to pursue your own growth and shine your own light. And those around will be motivated to grow at their own pace. You do not set their pace but merely provide the light needed for them to set their own. Keep on shining! ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 30, 2016
Turn your consciousness towards the path you wish to see. Your light will provide all the light needed to proceed. Turn up your light full force and you will illuminate all your paths simultaneously. Full consciousness of all dimensions. Turn up your light. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 31, 2016
Don’t jump to conclusions. There are always several possibilities. And for us to say one or the other could spoil the joy of your journey. That is what we wish to impart to you. Enjoy the journey! The dark and light. The joy and tears. All of it is what makes this life what you came for. Joy and light are the ultimate goal. Each day is the most exciting time of this life. Savor it and let all worries flow behind you as water rolls off the back of a duck. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, August 31, 2016
You have much family that blesses your life. Some blood and some not. Some with experience together in other life lines. Some for the first time. But it is not quantity or even length of knowing. It is the unique qualities that each brings to your family. From these you will learn about light and dark. Learn about yearnings and desires. Learn about loss and regret. Your family is the sum of these individual experiences. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, September 1, 2016
We notice how bright your light is shining. This work you are doing is like polishing brass that was beautiful before. The more you polish the more beautiful you become. We welcome your polished brilliance into the universe. You are a welcome part of the divine. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, September 29, 2016
Today we wish to talk to you of ice cream.
Is this about literal ice cream or spiritual?
We suppose you would consider it spiritual. You are familiar with the headaches humans can get by eating ice cream too fast. It is often that way when humans are trying to absorb new information. The taste is so new, interesting and delectable that they gorge themselves rather than savoring. The end result is a spiritual headache or brain freeze.
What we are saying is when you come across information that is delectable to your soul, take your time to savor each bite. Your soul will be enriched and you will avoid the freeze brain of a headache.~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, October 2, 2016
We wish to speak of fish.
Yes, there are plenty of fish in the sea. But the sea is not healthy for them. The humans have laid claim to the sea and all its occupants, just as they have done with other animals.
My dog. My horse. My fish. My sheep. My cows. My rocks.
Once ownership, rather than partnership, is claimed the existence of other souls is at risk. Yes, even rocks have souls.
A different viewpoint puts humankind on the same level with all the other life forms in your world. Partnership is formed and the viewpoint shifts to how best to serve all. Humankind as only part of the whole. Begin to include the others in the whole as sentient beings and your world becomes one of brilliant light filled with compassion.~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, October 4, 2016
We wish to speak of liquor.
Is this metaphorical liquor or physical liquor?
It is both we believe. Once you start on liquor, it can be very difficult to see the world without it. Or in any other light than thru liquor induced vision. You can become focused only on obtaining liquor and miss all else that is on your journey. This can be true of ANY one thing that takes over the focus of your life or the focus of a relationship.
Your world is incredibly diverse. Don’t become mired down in a single focused life. Turn up your light and see it all. Each thing has its own beauty, including liquor. But that one thing can also become a trap if the rest of the beautiful things are ignored in pursuit of it.
Keep on shining. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, October 4, 2016
We have heard it said that someone’s life was too short. But we say that any length of time that starts with birth and ends in death is a complete life. Whatever the duration, look for and find the gratitude.
So also any relationship that has a beginning and an ending is a complete relationship, whether it be a few minutes, days, months, years or a lifetime. Whatever the duration, look for and find the gratitude.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, October 5, 2016
We cannot overemphasize the importance of openness and honesty in a relationship. It must come from both. Unless each one asserts their own opinions, there is no authenticity. And without authenticity, there is no honesty. And without honesty there can never be brilliant love, as there will always be deep depths of darkness that cannot be discussed or illuminated.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, October 12, 2016
Today we wish to speak of jelly beans.
Jelly beans?
Yes. That is correct. There are several things about jelly beans worth pondering. They come in many different colors and flavors. Yet in essence they are all of one kind. If they were all the same there would be a boredom set in and they would be of less interest. A big part of their beauty is diversity.
Is there more about jelly beans?
Yes, there is what they are made of. Many of you eschew eating them because they come from parts of other animals. We understand and appreciate this viewpoint. But also appreciate that there are others who don’t share it. There are diverse opinions among humans on this.
Do you have an opinion about which of these opinions is best?
Even as the beauty of jelly beans is in their diversity, so it is with humans. Diversity is to be embraced and cherished, even when that diversity may be in direct conflict with your beliefs. Value your beliefs without condemning or judging others. Just as there may be different flavors of jelly beans that you don’t care for, there may be flavors of opinions that you don’t care for. Make room for the existence of all flavors. You don’t have to eat them if you don’t want to. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exist.
It seems as though this is accepting of everything. All evil? Is there nothing that can be judged as unwanted, dark or evil?
This is exactly what we are talking of. If there is a jelly bean that is misshaped or poorly flavored, you may set it aside from your experience saying that you do not want it in your experience. But that does not include ridiculing or judging it because it turned out different ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, October 22, 2016
Today we wish to speak of tuna.
Yes. It is a common fish. You may think of it as something that comes in a can and sits on a shelf. We think of it as part of the soul of this world. You may think that each one looks the same as the next one. We see each one as a unique individual. You may see each one as disposable because they do not think in the way you do. We think of them as providing a different world view.
Are you saying not to eat them? You know that is what I personally believe.
Some believe otherwise and we are not going to judge those who do. We are only saying to recognize the individuality of each one and the beauty of that individuality. It is by combining all these individuals that the wholeness can be seen in its complete beauty. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, October 25, 2016
We wish to speak of free will.
When there are two or more people involved in any situation the outcome is uncertain because each is blessed with free will. Each can change the course of the other’s life by their decisions.
It is thru honoring these choices without judgment that you come to appreciate and accept the core truths of each other. If someone makes a choice that is different from what you would have them choose, accept that their light is pointing and guiding not just themselves, but also you, in another, different direction. You may initially feel disappointment or even anger but ultimately your way will be well lit by gratefully honoring their choices.
If each of you keeps your light turned on, regardless of the direction those lights are shining, regardless of where your individual free will leads, your world becomes more brightly illuminated.
Authentic choices are always preferred. They will light the way to brilliance for all involved.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, October 26, 2016
Today we wish to speak of sirens.
Yes that is correct. There are various meanings of that word. We are going to focus on the early disaster warning system your people use. It is used when there are signs that there may be problems immediately ahead.
In your humanity there are people who serve this same function. They can see and sense what is coming. And just as there is not always a disaster that results from the prime conditions that cause your warning sirens to go off, there will not always be a disaster ensuing when human sirens warn of danger ahead.
This is not to say that these warnings should be ignored. But just to say that they will not always come to fruition. That does not make them any less useful.
So even though disasters that are foreseen are not always going to happen, should those who can see the signs be public about them? Warning others of possibilities?
To some degree. You do not want to become chicken little warning of the sky falling but it is possible to alert without alarming.
~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, November 4, 2016
Today we wish to speak of marriage.
Yes. It has been an important part of your culture for a long time. It ties two people together in a legal and spiritual unit.
Historically it is a lifetime commitment although that is changing. And becoming a legal arrangement that can be done and undone at will. We think this latter idea is a more sensible arrangement as it really provides and encourages growth. It discourages the idea of possession; that one person can actually own or control another. And yet it also allows for those who wish to have a lifelong commitment to do so.
The idea that marriage is a contractual arrangement that can be ended by contractual agreement is ideal. We believe it is healthier and more realistic.
What of the children?
Children will adapt to any set of rules as long as they are loved. It is the bitterness and disappointment that result from unrealistic expectations and demands that cause many of the issues children display.
It is not the divorce but the teachings that things will always be the same. If children were raised to see that adults change and grow and it is expected that things will change, they will thrive. In fact they will grow up expecting change and growth and not sameness.
Are you saying that the expectations surrounding marriage lasting forever are harmful and can inhibit individual growth?
Yes that is a way to put it. If marriage became a way to commit for as long as we are compatible it would be more realistic. Maybe it would not be called marriage. Maybe that word would become obsolete. It would behoove your society to come up with a new word which encompasses growth and change and eliminates ideas of ownership.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, December 2, 2016
Today we wish to speak of corn.
Corn? As in the crop?
Yes. We look at the many varieties of corn available on your earth and wonder that your race has chosen to change it into something else. It is no longer corn but something that provides only monetary rewards to a few instead of dietary rewards to all.
We like your opposition to this development but it may not be enough. As the current environment in your culture shows, the green of money has become more important than the green of nature to many. Unfortunately those many have worked the system to their advantage, which is not to the advantage of all.
Is there more that we can do?
There is always more. It will take a massive amount of focused energy from those opposed to this system to turn it around. Some would call it prayer. Others have different names for it. We would call it collective manifesting. There is power in this. It can be used to change the flow of your culture. But keep in mind that about half of the people want one kind of change. The other half want another kind of change. This will result in repeated conflicts and will test the strength of will on both sides.
As for you and for all, we remind you to keep on shining! The outcome in this world depends on it. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, December 16, 2016
Today we wish to speak of cigarettes.
Yes. We understand that to many of you tobacco is an addictive substance. And to many it brings disease and even death. And yet many continue to use it. We find this interesting and puzzling. Why would a person continue to use something that they know is harmful? Our conclusion has been that the current time pleasure gained from doing it outweighs the long term possibilities of illness and death.
This is true of many things in your reality. Even though the danger is clearly evident, humans will seek the short term pleasure. We are of two opinions on this.
It is common practice for us and those like us to encourage finding joy in the present moment. And if you do that there will come more joy into your life. So it would seem that with smoking it should only bring joy. But it does not because you are of mixed emotions as you smoke it. Because you BELIEVE it will cause harm, it will.
This brings us to the second. If you believe it causes harm and do it anyway, you are making a long tern choice to harm yourself. This is true of any type of decision where you do something you believe is harmful for the short term pleasure.
The key word here, as in everything, is BELIEVE. If you believe an action is wrong or harmful, then it will be so. We know that there will be many who dispute that it is proven that cigarettes are harmful and addictive. If you believe it is proven then it is so. We are not encouraging anyone who has this belief to start or continue smoking or any other behavior that they believe has negative consequences. We are only reminding that YOU are in charge of your own reality and can choose how things affect you.
At a later time, we will delve into how to change those belief systems should you wish to do so.
In the meantime, keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings From Spirit, January 18, 2017
Today we wish to speak of volcanoes.
Yes. It appears that in your society there is a volcano about to erupt. It will spew lava all over your world as you have known it. Many will be suffocated by it on both sides.
Will there be civil war?
Nearly so. It will take the good work of souls on both sides to avoid actual combat. And we would suggest using the legal means already in place to control or minimize the damage.
Will you specify those legal means?
For now we will say that the solutions are in place. You will just have to look for them and choose to utilize them.
Will that be done in a timely manner to help minimize the damage?
It is important for the future to allow this volcano to spew and spew some more. Intervening too soon will only be a bandaid over an infected wound. But when the time is right intervention will be possible and valuable. We will be in contact with you as events unfurl.
Will this volcano be active for months, years, decades, or ?
Likely decades. At this point we continue to counsel no judgment. Only observing and embracing. And light shining too, of course. Light shining is always and always the way.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, January 17, 2017
Inauguration Day! Is this what you wish to speak of this morning, Josiah Odeis?
Yes but we call it “and so it begins”.
So what begins?
The time that many of you think will be a golden era and others think is the beginning of the end. We would say it is neither. It is change and not necessarily a change towards the light. But part of the purging your society will be experiencing for a long time.
Is it time for action on either side?
Each side has some recommended action. For those living in fear, we would encourage you to let go of that and find actions of light to use against what you view as darkness. It is after all only thru light that the progress you desire will come about.
For those of you rejoicing, there is action as well. Use your light to be vigilant about monitoring the upcoming changes. Is this truly where you want your society to go? Are you proud and happy with the changes that are wrought? If not shine your light on the direction you want to go and remind your leaders of why they have been chosen. They have other ideas we believe about what this leadership means. It will be incumbent on all of you, particularly those who elevated them to this status, to watch and be vigilant of keeping them on track. They will not stay on track without that. It is the job of those of you who chose this path to ensure it is a path you truly wish to see. Do not wear blinders. Change for change sake is not always the best option.
For all of you today, shine your brightest lights! Your world will benefit from it.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, January 27, 2017
Sometimes those who profess to be of the light are wrestling their own darkness. These are the ones who are most verbal and hollering the loudest about the darkness of others.
Keep on Shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, February 4, 2017
There are those of you who know this already. There are those of you who are in denial. And there are those of you who will blame the messenger. This is OUR message. She is a vessel that is serving us. Her views may be entirely different than what we will present. But she is willing.
What you are seeing in your country is necessary. It will be necessary to peel away each layer until all the darkness that has been stuffed away is revealed. At each layer it will be important to shine your lights. But it will not be fruitful to try and keep that layer in place. Nor will it be fruitful to try and hold off on the peeling of the other layers.
You must get to the bottom of the darkness. And when you think you are at the bottom, look again. There are many layers to go.
Once you get to the bottom your world will not be recognizable. It is then that ALL of you will need to shine the brightest, regardless of what role you played in getting to that bottom.
Great light will be needed to start anew. It is that light that we will continue to say “keep on shining”.~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, February 4, 2017
No finger pointing at each other. We said long ago that the election was irrelevant. And each candidate was only a different shade of dark. There is no right side or wrong side right now. The darkness will come. Each will have their role to play as it comes and after, when the light is needed.~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, February 11, 2017
War is imminent for you and your world. We do not say who will start it or how it will end. Because it is irrelevant. It will be done. It is yet another step for the start of cleansing necessary in your world.
This war we speak of is merely a distraction. The real conflict is between light and dark, the eternal duelists. Your world will suffer the physical ramifications of the war but it is not really relevant to its inception or completion.
This is why you MUST wait. Be patient. Do not think you have been victorious in any war here until ALL the layers have been exposed. The darkness to the core must be exposed to the light. You will be tempted to say “ah this is the end. This conflict has resolved.” We encourage you to think instead. “Another layer of darkness exposed to the light. Let’s keep digging.”
The light is needed at each level. And by the time you reach the last, light will be the only answer.
Keep on shining. ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings with Spirit, February 20, 2017
Today we wish to speak of climate change. This has become a hot button (get that?) in your world. And we find it a bit amusing. Climates change all the time. One second to the next. It is change! Change is not to be delayed but embraced.
That is not to say that the causes of climate change should be ignored. Nor is that to say that your world shouldn’t be aware of creating your own destruction by some of those causes. But rather than fearing climate change, which only leaves you living in fear, look to the root causes and the solutions.
And know that no matter what there will always be change. That is part of the way your world and your people have been designed. Change is a universal condition.
Change. Embrace it.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings with Spirit, March 21, 2017
Today we wish to speak of oatmeal. Oatmeal is a good way to start your day. At least for you humans. It has been accepted as part of your diet for hundreds of years.
Does that length of time assure that it is really nutritious and valuable to us?
It is like anything that has been going on for a long time. Do you do it because it is beneficial for you or because it has always been done that way? It is time to ask that question of everything in your lives that is being done because it’s always been done that way. Do not take longevity to guarantee value.
There will be many changes coming. Change can be hard on many. If you use this question as a guide it can be helpful in processing changes. Change for change sake is not the standard. Looking for the most benefit is a better standard.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, April 22, 2017
Today we wish to speak of gravy.
Yes it is usually made from what is left after cooking something else. It is considered delicious and complements everything with its flavor.
We see ahead a delicious gravy will be made after the cooking is done in your society. It will be made on a slow burner. And when done will be delicious and creamy. It will cover everything left in a tasty flavor and serve to enhance the meal that will be prepared for your kind to consume to help heal the wounds of war.
As we said it will be slow to cook as there is much darkness to be exposed. But at the end this gravy, made with the light of those left shining, will be a delicious and brilliant complement to mankind’s meal of recovery.
Keep on shining.
Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, May 2, 2017
Today we wish to speak of loneliness. The truth of the matter is that you are never alone. You always have yourself to keep you company. And that is the best company there is. That self is part of the whole, which you have identified as god. Or source. Or the divine. Or the universe. So since you are part of the whole any feelings of being alone are illusionary.
Keep on Shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, May 4, 2017
Today we wish to speak of goldfish.
Yes. They are one of the beauties of your world and yet most of your species seems to take them for granted. Confining them for your own pleasure, instead of relishing in their pleasure of living. The way goldfish are considered in your culture is representative of the attitude which is prevalent – Anything, or should we say anyone, that is not human is considered lesser and to be used by humans instead of cherished in their own right.
We would be pleased to see your culture grow into an understanding of this. It would bring much needed, glorious light to your world.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, May 24, 2017
Today we wish to speak of marshmallows.
Yes, metaphorical marshmallows, as we respect your decision not to eat them.
Marshmallows are fluff, nothing more. And yet they are sweet and tasty. Your culture has become attracted to meaningless sweetness like marshmallows. It tastes good for a moment but provides no nourishment. In fact too much marshmallow and you become brainless and unhealthy.
We see this happening with many in your world. Short term immediate pleasures replace a longer term focus on things that would be better to feed your soul.
Feed your soul, not your short term desires. That will keep you shining brightly.
Keep on shining! Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, May 28, 2017
Wherever Spirit leads you will always be for your benefit. It may not be readily apparent. But when you look for the gratitude, you will see it is so.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, June 12, 2017
Today we will speak of artichokes.
Yes. They are a divine food that come with a set of challenges to get to the heart of the plant. You have to really desire the taste of the heart to take the time and effort to get to it. On the way to the delectable heart, there are additional treats as you peel layer after layer.
Think of that heart as your true soul. Think of the edible portion of the leaves as treats along the way to your true divinity.
Artichokes. A divine food.
Keep on Shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, June 16, 2017
Today we wish to speak of school.
Yes. There are many types of so called schools. The type we value above all others is one where the so called teacher joins together with the so called students to learn and grow together. There is no one who can really teach another. There is only allowing opportunity for growth. And then the willingness to grow. Combine those and you get true schooling.
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, June 29, 2017
From Grace – Today’s musing is quite personal but i am encouraged to share it:
“My role is to add light to the world by shining. And if when choosing an action I shine, all will be fine.”
Keep on shining ~ Josiah Odeis
Musings from Spirit, July 16, 2017
“…Helping others can be intrusive and negative. It is only when helping others is done with intent to help oneself that it becomes of value…”
~ Josiah Odeis
Excerpted from channeling 5/13/17
Musings from Spirit, August 27, 2017
From Grace:
~ Josiah Odeis ~
Some of you may have noticed that it’s been awhile since I’ve posted Musings from Spirit with Josiah Odeis. Well. the truth of it is that members of the group comprising that entity actually have had a falling out. I know that seems weird that any group from Spirit with such wisdom would do that. But it is so.
You may recall that Josiah Odeis was comprised of both the light and the dark. It was this duality that made them unique and quarrelsome. So for now, Josiah Odeis is on hiatus. I will be channeling other entities, including Seqia who I introduced this past week.
To honor the wisdom that has been given to us from Josiah Odeis, I will be periodically posting past Ponderings. And of course, will let you know if they get their differences resolved.
Life is sure interesting for me. Lots of twists and turns, both personally and spiritually. This is the latest. I am grateful for the privilege of working with Josiah Odeis.
~ Keep on Shining ~