What is Energy Balancing?
What is Energy Balancing? Traditionally called “energy healing” or “healing energy”, Grace prefers the term “energy balancing”. Spirit has guided her to move from using the term “healing” to “health”. She believes that the word “healing” implies brokenness, and that the use of that term can continue, and actually exacerbate, energy imbalances. So she speaks of health and energy balance instead.
Grace sees her role, in general, as being a conduit of universal energy and, specifically, as a facilitator of energy flow between yourself and your Source. Grace will connect you with your Source, requesting that you be provided with whatever is necessary to bring you into alignment with your divine blueprint. She will supplement that by directing universal energy for you to use in balancing your health.
Grace’s focus is to help you reach a balance of healthy energy – to reclaim your birthright and align with your divine blueprint. You are a divine being!
What are the Benefits of Energy Balancing?
Energy Balancing is effective for physical ailments, as well as emotional and spiritual imbalances. You are actually the healer and will decide how and where to use the energy for your highest good.
“Sciatica be gone … thanks to Grace Jaeger! Got some ailments of your own, or your pets, or just want a reading, get in touch with her.” ~ Connie B.

Energy Balancing – How does it work?
Energy Balancing is done by connecting you with your Source. Grace will request your Source to provide you with whatever is needed to bring you into alignment with your Divine Blueprint.
Grace uses several methods. She can facilitate in person by doing either hands-on or hands-off energy balancing. It can also be done remotely across any distance. Sometimes a specific appointment for remote work is beneficial But more frequently, Grace will do a session and report to you via email.
These types of sessions are helpful to relieve pain and other issues. It can help not just with physical issues but also with emotional and mental issues.
For longer term imbalances, Grace may offer to connect you to an angel through her Celestine Surveillance(c) protocol. See details about how that works here.
For all Energy Balancing concerns, contact Grace for her recommendations, availability and current pricing.

Heart Barrier Work
Grace can help you discover the emotions tucked behind your heart barriers, often retrieving memories and/or causes that were long lost. After discovery, the emotions can be cleared so you can move ahead with a clearer understanding and a more open heart.

What You Can Do to Help Keep Your Energy Balanced
There are “self-help” tools to assist in keeping your energy harmonized and in balance. Learn how to check and balance your chakras. Ground yourself using technique channeled from Spirit. Learn a Sacred Energy Booster that will help keep you not only balanced, but also empowered.
Contact Grace for an appointment to learn which techniques will benefit you and how to use them.
Grace is trained in Quantum Touch, EFT and Hands on Healing. She incorporates other tools as guided by Spirit, including shamanic healing and Sacred Sounds.
Please note: Energy Balancing involves channeling energy from the universe or from your higher power to your body. And, although Energy Balancing has proven very effective, it does NOT take the place of seeking qualified medical care. Energy Balancing is a complementary service, not an alternative one.